Using DSCP for WebRTC packet marking and prioritization

It is a common request from WebRTC developers and customers to know how they can differentiate WebRTC traffic from other type in their networks.  Usually the goal is to be able to prioritize RTC traffic over other types of less important traffic.

By prioritizing the WebRTC traffic in the edge routers it is possible to improve the quality in some network scenarios.  The most common cases where this marking may help are:

  • Congested broadband uplink where the router can discard other type of traffic instead of WebRTC traffic when queues get full.
  • Congested local wireless network
One obvious way to do this is forcing all the traffic to be relayed through a TURN or SFU server and se the priority based on IP addresses.   That's easy and always work, but the problem is that it is very difficult to maintain when your infrastructure changes often (scaling elastically, new datacenters...).

Other way to accomplish this is to use Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) marking. With DSCP you can use a specific field (6 bits) in the IP header to mark different classes of traffic.  This field can carry any arbitrary value that you can associate in your routers with different forwarding treatments (priorities).

Even if any value can be used in that DSCP field, there are some commonly used DSCP values, and there are some recommended values to be used for WebRTC endpoints in this IETF draft.

Nowadays this is supported by Chrome and can be enabled with a proprietary constrain passed to the PeerConnection:

new RTCPeerConnection({"iceServers": []}, { optional: [{ googDscp: true }] });

When enabled the DSCP field in the IP packets sent by Chrome has the value 34 (aka Assured Forwarding 41 or AF41) for both audio and video as you can see in the next figure.  While the default value is 0 (Default Forwarding).

This is the full demo page if you want to test it yourself:

Disclaimer: This is not working in WebRTC in case of Android and iOS and at least some versions of Windows but those issues should be fixed at some point based on the comments on the open tickets.

One question is why this "feature" is not enabled by default and all the packets are marked with the recommended DSCP values.   The main reason is because some routers could block packets with specific DSCP values as explained here, so it should be enabled only when you know that it is not going to be blocked in the network where your customers are at least until browsers implement mechanisms to discover those blocked packets and disable it automatically.

  • Differentiated services :
  • DSCP Packet Markings for WebRTC QoS
  • DSCP Transport considerations:
  • Test Page:

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