Why is Skype so successful as a corporate communication tool?

From my personal experience Skype is getting more and more presence as a non-official corporate tool providing advance communication capabilities.  According to the official reports 35 percent of Skype users utilize it for business purposes [1].
In my opinion the three more important features making Skype so attractive in those environments over other VoIP/Messaging tools are the following ones:
  • Unblockable communications: Some corporate networks try to restrict employees traffic making impossible to use other VoIP tools.  Skype is able to overcome that limitation encapsulating all the traffic under HTTP/HTTPS connections while maintaing a good enough voice quality.
  • Conferencing support: Skype was a pioneer offering voice conferencing support without additional equipment in the network.  That innovative solution allows free and easy to use conferencing support, being a feature commonly used in corporate environments to maintain the audio meetings with your colleagues.
  • Easy to use: Most of corporate employees are not interested in learning how to use and configure a complex software.  Skype makes a very good job offering a software working out of the box as expected with an appealing and intuitive user interface.
Are we watching the end of corporate PBX in favor of a great, proprietary and out-of-control software? Or will we be able to learn the lesson and make a competitive offer equally great but federated and standards based?

[1] http://gigaom.com/2010/04/20/skype-q4-2009-number/


  1. "Skype's success in the corporate world speaks volumes about its ability to streamline communication. It’s easy to see why so many teams rely on it for quick and efficient connections. But as companies grow, exploring more comprehensive solutions can make a big difference. It might be time to request phone system quotes to see how other tools could enhance your setup!"


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